/“It only takes one colourful item to make a grey day beautiful”
Man, do I love colors. It's the perfect way to spice things up! And in my case, it brightens up my not only my mood but my whole day.
The way you dress will reflect on how you behave towards others so I always make sure I live the house happy with my outfit decision.
My holidays could not have been better this year. I felt completely recharged and I think that reflected on the way I was dressing up. I sometimes feel people only wear colorful outfits when the sun is out and that is a mistake. Be brave! Challenge yourself when you dress up. Innovate, mix & match, stack lots of things at once...Life can be grey & dull sometimes, so you might as well have fun when you dress. And as Drake has sang to us many times: You Only Live Once.
DKNY Men's shirt
Chanel Pearls Necklace
Colour Pearls Necklace
ZARA Houndstooth Coat and Stilettos (old, but similar below)
Mango Mustard Skinny Jeans
Venessa Arizaga Bracelets