Miami LifeGuard Towers

There’s a je ne sais quoi that attracts me to color. The more vibrant the better. Some people say that color resonates with people in many different ways, that it affects your mood. Scientific evidence about this has been anecdotal but I do feel that we have emotional connections to color. At least I do. The color I chose for my daily outfits certainly set the mood for the day. Stricking reds, pink hues and orange tones tend to be associated with danger by most but also with passion for others.

On a regular basis, people tend to avoid strong colors when dressing up. I look for these the most. Not all is lost though. Since Valentino introduced the Hot Pink back into fashion this summer, people have gone on an adventure route. Balenciaga and Bottega’s Neon Green have also taken the London streets.

Anyhow, I am being side tracked here. Colors! Miami! The Lifeguard Towers.

Having a walk through these beautiful 1920s houses was at the top of the list of things to do when visiting Miami. It was wonderful. The sun was shining, the sea was calm and the explosion of colors in front of me made me happier than ever.

Time for a swim.

TCB xx