Take The Red Pill
/Photography by Stephanie Arvelo
I bloody love New York, this is certainly one of those cities that irradiates inspiration, at least to me.
Whenever I visit this city, I always come home with plenty of ideas I want to take on board, and that’s so refreshing. The people you meet here, the adventures you encounter...there’s no place like New York.
That not only translates to ideas, but also to my fashion sense. On a recent blog post I told about outfit roles. Well, in this occasion I just felt like I was Jenny from the Block, so I tried to think what I would wear if I were singing ‘All I Have’ with Ll Cool JJ. Here’s the result. Also a good combo between Matrix and Clueless, but more badass.
Hope you like it, I love it.
TCB xx
Topshop Jumpsuit
Track Sole Leather Boots
Pink Beanie
Uterque Handbag (old)