Addiction Withdrawal

Photography by JJ Smith

Photography by JJ Smith

Balancing social life and work life has been a struggle over the last couple of months, I must admit. And if there is something I crave after a night out or extreme tiredness is junk food. What can I say, my body just needs it.  Quite funny considering that’s the last thing you should have.

According to some healthcare practitioners (see here if you don’t believe me!), the best cure for a bad hangover is good/ green/ healthy food. SAY WHAAAAAT? Yep, having broccoli and green juice followed by lots of fruits, for example, is what your body needs to replenish what you’ve emptied the night before, while you were softly poisoning it to ridiculous levels. Let’s not go into details about my latest nights or I will never finish this post, ha!

In any case, what I wanted to point out with all this is that I am a sucker for junk food, and this would be the perfect excuse to pay a visit to all those hated locations that nobody seems to go (but they secretly, you do, you really do).

On one of those days, I also managed to get JJ to come with me and reproduce my love for the 90s and all the colourful signs from my beloved McD. Turns out there’s a drive thru not far from my house, and that’s a top-notch location for a shoot, isn’t?

In any case, here’s my take on LA’s Disney House, in London.

If you are in need of other “healthier” or let’s say “cooler” options than McD, so that you feel better about going there, I’d suggest the following, by order of preference:

  1. Lucky Chip in Dalston (conveniently placed 10min walk from my house…danger!) is a cool and hip diner, serving the naughtiest burgers in a very nice ambiance. The place is tiny and they serve their menu on an old-school VHS. SOLD!
  2. Honest Burgers in Brixton Market (amongst others) offers the biggest portions I’ve encountered in London so far, with a great quality-price.
  3. Five Guys in Angel (amongst others) for their milkshakes and yummy buns. However I don’t like they serve it without plates or anything other than foil paper, really. A bit messy to my taste? Yummy regardless.
  4. Byron Burger in Coven Garden (amongst others) is a staple since a moved to London and always a winner while in the city centre.

Business Turns Fashion

Photography by Michael LP

Photography by Michael LP

Despite the terrible weather in Paris and the fact that I had to work while going to PFW, I tried to live things up with my outfits. I think I've mentioned to you numerous times that there's no need to dress boring just because you have an office-based job, and here the evidence!

Ok, probably the fishnet tights are a bit much for those who do not work in fashion. Back in the day in Spain, wearing fishnet tights was related to being kinky, to say the least. But I guess I am quite kinky, so why the hell not? After all, I was working remotely, so I could care less.

TCB xx

La Mode à Paris

Photography Michael IP

Photography Michael IP

If there is something I would highlight about my first experience at Paris Fashion Week is that they these people take things very seriously. They don't fool around, they don't over seat, and they certainly know how to be big ballers. I mean, no wonder that anybody who is somebody gets here! The city certainly inspires fashion, and there's plenty of choice to get inspired by, too. But I'll get back to you on that on another post.

An interesting thing to witness during PFW was the amount of photographers on site. Between celebrities and streetstyle photographers seeking to snap them, certain shows were absolute madness. Monkey Business on its pure state. Not to mention the weather did not helped to the situation. It has literally rained everyday I've been here! And as much asmuch as I am used to the shitty weather, I was hoping for some sun...Paris is beautiful (I love you!) but it is no fun to walk around on your pristine outfit to literally get soaked as you walk out of the door. And YES, I know...very #firstworldproblems

Lastly, did anybody notice Paris is like being in NY at the moment? Pretty sweet though, cause I bloody love Americans. I just thought it was peculiar.

All in all, it's been quite intense over here. Once again, lots to do and very little hours to spare, but I'd do it again! Probably more days, more shows, a bigger caché and less work on the side! We can all dream, right?

TCB xx



ASOS Trench Coat (old)
Daivor SS17 Cotton Tee
Mango White Coated Jeans
DVF Stilettos
Launer London Judi Bag

Bobo Chic

As I write this from my hotel room in Paris (happily enjoying my stay thanks to ma gurl Kristen), I feel this editorial look from LFW a week ago could not be more appropriate.

There's something about this look that reminds me of a parisienne girl. Simple, yet so stylish. Bo-bo in france stands for 'Bourgeois et Boheme', a typical word for those hanging out in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, and I guess that's what I was trying to achieve with this look. You just need a good red lipstick and a pair of kinky boots et voilà! Off you go. And that's what I am doing today in the city of love :) 

Wish me luck, and stay tuned for more!

TCB xx

Pssss, photography is by mega-babe Roz Alcazar


Photography by Garon Smith

Photography by Garon Smith

As you guys may have heard me saying on my insta stories, this has been quite a peculiar London Fashion Week. Silly me didn't realize that my brother was visiting the same weekend fashion month was kicking off for me! And family should always come first, really. 

So, as much as I love seeing what's gonna be cooking next season, I had to restrict myself to attend just the most necessary bits. 

That doesn't mean though, I didn't dress to impress! That's my favourite bit of it all! The attention, the grandeur, the photographers and the flashlights, ... It is is very empowering, and that's what I went for for my first outfit of the season. Would you agree?

Stay tuned for more, 

TCB xx


Daivor Casablanca Blazer
Boden Velvet Suit Trousers
Launer London Mini Traviata Bag
Maria Pascual Jewellery
ZARA Boots (old)

Cock-a-doodle-doo, said the Rooster

Photography by Roz Alcazar

Photography by Roz Alcazar

Apparently the rooster shouts "cock-a-doodle-doo" in the mornings, according to the English that is. In Spain, our roosters shot "ki-ki-ri-kii" which to me, sounds more accurate. 

Isn't amazing how different can a sound be depending on where you've grown up? According to my française roomies, the rooster sings "cocorico"! I mean, how many different languages a rooster can speak? Animals never fail to amaze me, clearly.

In any case, Happy (belated) Chinese New Year! The Year of The Rooster. 

Independent, honest and punctual, roosters are confident and competent but emotionally volatile (so not the best in social situations). 

If you are one of them, good luck. Dragons (like moi) are definitely in for the win, but will let you off for a year. After all, everybody has to shine from time to time...

In any case, I was on my morning run the other day when I discovered this amazing pagoda at Victoria Park. Man, that park is awesome, It has so many lil stations to discover! Plus its right next to the canal, which to me is always a plus. 

Of course I saw the Chinese pagoda and I instantly thought it was a great opportunity for the take some pretty pictures to celebrate the new year. You must be wondering though, what the hell does a Chinese pagoda in the middle of Victoria Park? I've got the answers to your queries.

China opened to the West during Queen Victoria's reign and in 1842 the original Chinese Pagoda was built as an entrance to the Chinese Exhibit in the London Parks.

After the exhibition, the Pagoda was purchased for display in Victoria Park. The two story Pagoda stood on an island in the center of one of the parks lakes but suffered considerable damage during World War II and was eventually demolished. Thankfully, around 2010 the Borough was awarded a £4.5m grant towards a programme of major improvements to the park and a new Pagoda was introduced! Voila ~~~~

Have a wonder if you can, it's pretty out there.



Messy hair seems to agree with me, lately. 

And truth being said, I never brush it. So, I am sorry to disappoint all of you who were wondering how to get that look! I can't really give you any tips on how to do it aside from the fact that I constantly play to get the so-called "Beach Waves" with my straighteners. It is definitely my go-to style, so much that I could probably do it in record time and with my eyes closed. However, to get it to the voluminous and careless (not so careless, really) look I love, it takes about 1 day after I've washed it.

Having said that, how COLD is it these days? I was just seeing this pictures from our shoot on Friday and I got the shivers just thinking about how freezing cold it was. Of course I was wearing a tee to show off but, seriously, I can't wait for some sunshine and warm weather. Sadly, I feel the situation is not going to change any time soon so we may as well embrace it. As we say in Spain: "to the bad weather, good face"! God, am I really discussing the weather now? I'm becoming more British than I thought...

In any case, CANALS. That's what I was meaning to tell you about today. London is great for a weekend promenade by the river, and since I moved east, I've been enjoying quite a bit of that. The walk from Columbia Road to Victoria Park is short yet very cute; kind of a must on a Saturday if you are at Broadway Market. If you want a longer walk, then going the other way around is probably best: from Victoria Park to Hackney Wick. Why? Because when you hit the finish line you'll be able to recharge with a refreshing beer at CRATE Brewery, while probably indulging one of their home made (and freakingly delicious) pizzas.

TCB xx


TwistxTurn Striped Tee (also available at Topshop Oxford Circus)
Stradivarius High Waist Jeans
Elvio Zanon Shoes
Uterque Leather MiniBag
Taylor Morris ZERO sunglasses


Today the weather in Barcelona is freezing, or so I've been told, reaching a temperatures of 0-1 degrees. The thought of it this morning made me shiver, as low temperatures are more extreme by the sea than in a urban city; but then I checked the temperature in London and to my surprise: we were BELOW ZERO. And here I was, bearing a leather jacket and a pretty thin outfit. Have I finally adapted to this weather? 

Since I've been back to the city, the streets of London feel more crisp, probably because it's BLOODY cold and the wind is a killer. My beaut city feels sharp, and that also reflects on the way I dress these days. Clean cuts and dramatic waves, it feels like a drama story just writing about it, but I really like the results of it. 

TCB xx

P.S.: Yes, I was wearing NO socks, and I was totally fine. 
P.S2: Photography by JJ Smith; Styled by moi :)



TwistxTurn Long Blouse
Gucci Look-Alike SlingBacks from Mango (ON SALE!)
Vetements Look-Alike Jeans from H&M
Warby Parker Glasses
Vintage Clutch and Jewellery